Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Attorney General Opinions

Opinions of the Attorney General are prepared in response to a specific legal question from a state agency or state official in instances where that agency or official has need of a legal opinion in the performance of their duties.  The Attorney General may provide an opinion to state legislators on a question relating to proposed or pending legislation, or when the opinion request “pertains directly to the performance of some function or duty by the Legislature itself.”  (Op. Att’y Gen. No. 157 (December 20, 1985) at 1.)  The Attorney General may also provide opinions to county attorneys when the question posed relates to “all criminal matters and in matters relating to the public revenue.”  Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-205(3) (2014).  Attorney General Opinions issued after 1989 are available below.

The Attorney General is not authorized to give opinions to local governmental officials or private citizens.

Number Date Title PDF
23-004 4/10/2023 Constitutionality of Requiring Public Schools to Allow Access to Certain Youth Organizations to Provide lnformation, Services, and Activities (LB 805) PDF icon 23-004
23-003 3/21/2023 Authority of the Legislature to Change the Location of the Headquarters of the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission (LB397) PDF icon 23-003
23-002 1/4/2023 Authority of the Legislature to Limit the Criteria Utilized by the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education to Approve Programs Involving "Institutes" or "Centers" PDF icon 23-002
23-001 1/3/2023 Authority of County Clerks or Election Commissioners to Manually Count Ballots PDF icon 23-001
22-007 11/22/2022 Eligibility of Public Power Districts to Provide Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Related Administrative Services Under Neb. Rev. Stat.§ 70-625(6). PDF icon 22-007
22-006 8/19/2022 Employee Eligibility to Participate in Retirement Systems Administered by PERB and NPERS PDF icon 22-006
22-005 4/7/2022 Constitutionality of Allowing Law Enforcement to Access Electronic Monitoring Data for Adjudicated Juveniles- LB 1010 PDF icon 22-005
22-004 4/4/2022 Whether LR264CA Violates the Separate-Vote Requirement in Neb. Const. art. XVI 1 PDF icon 22-004
22-003 3/23/2022 Constitutionality of LB 543 - The Agricultural Equipment Right-to-Repair Act PDF icon 22-003
22-002 2/25/2022 Constitutionality of Legislation Providing for the Sale and Re-acquisition of Educational Lands by the State Board of Educational Lands and Funds Under Certain Circumstances and Conditions (LB711) PDF icon 22-002