Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Attorney General Opinions

Opinions of the Attorney General are prepared in response to a specific legal question from a state agency or state official in instances where that agency or official has need of a legal opinion in the performance of their duties.  The Attorney General may provide an opinion to state legislators on a question relating to proposed or pending legislation, or when the opinion request “pertains directly to the performance of some function or duty by the Legislature itself.”  (Op. Att’y Gen. No. 157 (December 20, 1985) at 1.)  The Attorney General may also provide opinions to county attorneys when the question posed relates to “all criminal matters and in matters relating to the public revenue.”  Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-205(3) (2014).  Attorney General Opinions issued after 1989 are available below.

The Attorney General is not authorized to give opinions to local governmental officials or private citizens.

Number Date Title PDF
04026 9/10/2004 Interpretation of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-1,104.01 Pertaining to Predictive Genetic Testing PDF icon 04026
04024 9/7/2004 PURPA's Applicability To Nebraska Electric Utilities and Its Impact On Nebraska Power Review Board's Authority Under Neb. Rev. Stat. § 70-1014 To Consider Applications To Construct Or Install Small Power Production Facilities PDF icon 04024
04025 9/7/2004 Requiring Social Security Numbers On Applications For Licensing By The State Electrical Board PDF icon 04025
04023 8/18/2004 Judges Retirement Act; Operative date(s) of the 2004 Neb. Laws LB 1097 Amendments PDF icon 04023
04022 8/14/2004 Authority Of The Legislature's Performance Audit Committee To Review Confidential Records In Connection With A Performance Audit Of A State Agency PDF icon 04022
04021 8/2/2004 Authority Of The Governor To Conform Certain Nebraska Government Procurement Procedures To The Provisions Of The Agreement On Government Procurement Under The Auspices Of The World Trade Organization PDF icon 04021
04020 6/1/2004 Authority of Real Estate Appraiser Board to Assign Administration of Appraisal Review Aspect of Board 's Licensing Function to an Independent Appraisal Broker PDF icon 04020
04019 4/26/2004 Whether a veteran who was given a "general discharge" would be eligible for a lifetime hunting and fishing permit issued by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission under Neb. Rev. Stat. §37-420 PDF icon 04019
04017 4/20/2004 Authority Of Filing Officers To Refuse To File Financing Statements Under The Uniform Commercial Code PDF icon 04017
04018 4/20/2004 Release of Information on Death Certificates; HIPAA PDF icon 04018