Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Attorney General Opinions

Opinions of the Attorney General are prepared in response to a specific legal question from a state agency or state official in instances where that agency or official has need of a legal opinion in the performance of their duties.  The Attorney General may provide an opinion to state legislators on a question relating to proposed or pending legislation, or when the opinion request “pertains directly to the performance of some function or duty by the Legislature itself.”  (Op. Att’y Gen. No. 157 (December 20, 1985) at 1.)  The Attorney General may also provide opinions to county attorneys when the question posed relates to “all criminal matters and in matters relating to the public revenue.”  Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-205(3) (2014).  Attorney General Opinions issued after 1989 are available below.

The Attorney General is not authorized to give opinions to local governmental officials or private citizens.

Number Date Title PDF
02014 4/23/2002 Whether State Board of Education can enter into a three year employment contract with the Commissioner of Education when one-half of the Board is re-elected every two years PDF icon 02014
02013 4/11/2002 Whether State Board of Education members may use service on the State Board as the equivalent to experience gained from employment as a teacher, administrator, or Department of Education staff member for purposes of renewing their administrative or teaching certificate PDF icon 02013
02012 4/5/2002 The Constitutionality of LB 1011, a Bill to Authorize Creation of the Position of Counsel to the Legislature PDF icon 02012
02010 4/4/2002 Availability of Tax Credits for Landowners under Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Act PDF icon 02010
02011 4/4/2002 Validity of Amendment to Nonprofit Corporation Act Granting Nonprofit Corporations Organized to Own or Furnish a Civic, Cultural, or Convention Facility for the Use of or in Trust for a Governmental Body the Same Property and Sales Tax Exemptions as the Governmental Body PDF icon 02011
02008 3/25/2002 Art. VII ,§ 3 Of The Nebraska Constitution; Service On The Nebraska State Board Of Education By A Person Who Is Employed As A Professional Educator In Another State PDF icon 02008
02009 3/25/2002 Authority of Tribal Police Officers Cross-Designated as Special Deputy State Sheriffs PDF icon 02009
02007 3/4/2002 LB 961 And LB 1236; Changes In The Operation Of The Nebraska State Board Of Agriculture; Status Of The Board As A State Agency PDF icon 02007
02006 2/21/2002 Services for developmentally disabled individuals who have graduated from high school but not reached age 21 PDF icon 02006
02005 2/6/2002 County Assessor Certificates PDF icon 02005