Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Attorney General Opinions

Opinions of the Attorney General are prepared in response to a specific legal question from a state agency or state official in instances where that agency or official has need of a legal opinion in the performance of their duties.  The Attorney General may provide an opinion to state legislators on a question relating to proposed or pending legislation, or when the opinion request “pertains directly to the performance of some function or duty by the Legislature itself.”  (Op. Att’y Gen. No. 157 (December 20, 1985) at 1.)  The Attorney General may also provide opinions to county attorneys when the question posed relates to “all criminal matters and in matters relating to the public revenue.”  Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-205(3) (2014).  Attorney General Opinions issued after 1989 are available below.

The Attorney General is not authorized to give opinions to local governmental officials or private citizens.

Number Date Title PDF
03024 11/4/2003 Application Procedures For Judicial Retirement And Complaints Against A Judge Before The Nebraska Commission On Judicial Qualifications; 2003 Neb. Laws LB 320, AM 2003 PDF icon 03024
03023 10/6/2003 Legality of a Proposed Business Structure for an Integrated Biorefinery Complex as it pertains to Article XII , Section 8 of the Nebraska Constitution (Initiative 300) PDF icon 03023
03022 8/11/2003 Interpretation of Agency Regulatory Authority Involving Pesticides Used in Connection with M-44 Cyanide Capsules for the Control of Certain Predatory Wild Animals in Nebraska PDF icon 03022
03020 7/30/2003 The Constitutionality of Payments Pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 2-1579 to Non-public Schools, or to Churches or Other Institutions That Might Be Considered "Religious Societies" in the Context of Article I, § 4 and Article VII, § 11 of the Nebraska Constitution PDF icon 03020
03021 7/30/2003 Status of Members of the Nebraska Tax Equalization and Review Commission as Employees for Purposes of Eligibility for State Employment Benefits and Application of the Forty Hour Basic Work Week PDF icon 03021
03019 7/9/2003 LB 320; Retirement Of A District Judge While A Complaint Is Pending Against Him Before The Nebraska Judicial Qualifications Commission; Duties Of The Court Administrator PDF icon 03019
03018 6/30/2003 Subpoena Power of State Fire Marshal PDF icon 03018
03017 6/4/2003 Interpretation of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-7606(3) As It Relates To Grant Awarded From The Nebraska Health Care Cash Fund PDF icon 03017
03016 5/19/2003 Federal Rural Economic Development Loan And Grant Program; Constitutionality Of Participation In The Grant Portion Of That Program By Public Power Districts Under Art. XIII , § 3 Of The Nebraska Constitution PDF icon 03016
03014 5/14/2003 Application of Neb. Rev. Stat.§ 60-6,301 (5) (Supp. 2002) to vehicles hauling grass sod PDF icon 03014