Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Attorney General Opinions

Opinions of the Attorney General are prepared in response to a specific legal question from a state agency or state official in instances where that agency or official has need of a legal opinion in the performance of their duties.  The Attorney General may provide an opinion to state legislators on a question relating to proposed or pending legislation, or when the opinion request “pertains directly to the performance of some function or duty by the Legislature itself.”  (Op. Att’y Gen. No. 157 (December 20, 1985) at 1.)  The Attorney General may also provide opinions to county attorneys when the question posed relates to “all criminal matters and in matters relating to the public revenue.”  Neb. Rev. Stat. § 84-205(3) (2014).  Attorney General Opinions issued after 1989 are available below.

The Attorney General is not authorized to give opinions to local governmental officials or private citizens.

Number Date Title PDF
13-001 6/27/2013 Neb. Rev. Stat.§ 8-157.01; Non-discriminatory Operation Of And Fees For Switches Used By Automatic Teller Machines And Other Equipment To Transmit Electronic Information For Financial Institutions In Nebraska PDF icon 13-001
12-009 5/3/2012 Protected Classes Under The State Civil Rights Statutes; Do Cities And Counties Have Statutory Authority To Create Protected Classes Not Listed In State Statute PDF icon 12-009
11005 9/27/2011 Legislative Term Limits; What Constitutes One-Half Of A Legislative Term Under Art. Ill,§ 12 (3) Of The Nebraska Constitution PDF icon 11005
11004 9/12/2011 Computation of the Time Available for Public Service Commission Final Action on a General Rate Case Filing Under the State Natural Gas Regulation Act When a Jurisdictional Utility Files a General Rate Application Containing Notice of Its Intent Not to Participate in Negotiations with Affected Cities PDF icon 11004
11003 8/17/2011 Constitutionality of Nebraska's campaign public funding laws under Ariz. Free Enter. Club's Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett PDF icon 11003
11002 5/23/2011 Constitutionality Under Neb. Const. art. Ill,§ 24, of LB 256 PDF icon 11002
11001 3/31/2011 LB 54 - Whether Legislation Establishing the Base Year for Tax Increment Financing of Redevelopment Projects as the Year Prior to Commencement of Rehabilitation, Acquisition, or Redevelopment is Consistent with Neb. Const Art. VIII, § 12 PDF icon 11001
10011 12/9/2010 Eligibility Of Members Of The Nebraska Liquor Control Commission To Participate In The Nebraska State Insurance Program Which Provides Health Insurance Benefits To State Employees PDF icon 10011
10010 8/24/2010 Public Service Commission Jurisdiction Over Transportation Provided by Contractors Providing Services Under Contracts With the Department of Health and Human Services PDF icon 10010
10009 3/29/2010 LB 1102 - Constitutionality of Legislation Authorizing Wagering on "Historic Horseraces" PDF icon 10009