Each year, in recognition of National Missing Children’s Day, the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office invites 5th graders from across the state to participate in a poster competition. The winner of the state competition will be submitted to a national competition with the U.S. Department of Justice. This event allows young students from across the United States opportunity to creatively express the theme, “Bringing Our Missing Children Home."
1st Place Winner
(Artwork by 2019 Nebraska Poster Contest Winner, Ericka Larsen of Burwell, Nebraska)
This year’s first-place contest winner is Ericka Larsen from Burwell, Nebraska. As winner of the state contest, Ericka's poster was submitted to a national competition with the U.S. Department of Justice.
Ericka’s Essay:
“I made this poster because I know families around the world have had children stolen. I feel bad for the families who have missing children. If I was missing I would want my family to look not just in the state but all around the world. The point is I made this poster to show children who are missing we are looking for them and to show parents that we are looking for their missing children."
2nd Place Winner
(Artwork by Allie Nelson of Gordon, Nebraska)
Allie’s Essay:
“On my poster I made the focal point the U.S. symbolizing home. The police badge (on the left) is to say thank you for your help and effort. The phones are two ways to get the word out for people to be alert and keep their eyes open. The third way was a flyer half of her face was missing that stands for missing in "Bring Our Missing Children Home." The facts at the bottom are to shock people so they look and report suspicious behavior to reduce that every 40 s[econds]. I made this poster like this because it stands out and it will help people figure out that the U.S. has a kidnapping problem. Also made to support associations and to teach people."
3rd Place Winner
(Artwork by Ian Haremza of North Platte, Nebraska)
Ian’s Essay:
"I drew this because the heart shows love but its broken because they're sad that the child is gone."