Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Schroeder Waives Right to Preliminary Hearing

Patrick Schroeder appeared in Johnson County Court on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017 and waived his right to a preliminary hearing.  He was ordered to appear in the District Court of Johnson County on June 12, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. for arraignment.

The State of Nebraska intends to file a Notice of Aggravating Circumstances in the Information charging Mr. Schroeder with First Degree Murder and Use of a Deadly Weapon to Commit a Felony.  As a result, the State will be seeking the death penalty in this case.

As in all cases where an in-custody death occurs, a grand jury will be convened to examine the circumstances surrounding the death of the victim, Terry Berry.  However, in order to protect Mr. Schroeder’s right to a fair trial, the convening of the grand jury will not occur until after the criminal prosecution has been completed.