Thursday, July 2, 2015
Attorney General Doug Peterson recently attended the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) summer meeting held in California on June 16-18, 2015.
Attorney General Peterson will serve, along with Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Kilmartin, as a co-chair on the Consumer Protection Committee. The Consumer Protection Committee works to enable and assist attorneys general concerning consumer protection issues by providing information, facilitating dialogue and communication, and conducting training and annual seminars on matters relevant to consumer protection programs.
Attorney General Peterson was also appointed to serve on the following committees:
- Energy and Environment Committee – This committee exists to provide a medium where chief legal officers of the states and other jurisdictions have the ability to explore ideas, help facilitate collaboration, and conduct research on industry updates, practices, and standards.
- Federalism/Preemption Committee – This committee exists to assist the attorney general community on the issues of federalism and preemption. The committee strives to accomplish this by sponsoring education programs, fostering interstate cooperation, and analyzing current federalism and preemption issues.
- Human Trafficking Committee – This committee exists to investigate and promote best practices for combating trafficking at a state level. These include law enforcement and prosecution strategies, educational outreach efforts, and alliances with partner agencies and non-governmental organizations.