Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force Summit



9:00 Introduction – Attorney General Mike Hilgers


9:15 Keynote Speaker  – Rachael Denhollander


10:30 Panel – Community Collaboration: How Law Enforcement and Advocacy Partner to Support Survivors


11:30 Lunch – on your own


12:40 Greeting – Bob Rogers – Street Grace


12:45 Featured Speakers – UNO Labor Trafficking Assessment – Dr. Theresa Kulig and Dr. Sadaf Hashimi


1:15 Break


1:30 Featured Speaker – Threat Assessments for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Intimate Partner Violence – Dr. Mario Scalora


2:30 Panel – How Nonprofits and Businesses Are Working to Combat Human Trafficking


3:15 Break


3:30 Greeting – Michelle DeLaune NCMEC – Video


3:40 Panel – Online Exploitation: What Collaborators Need to Know


4:45 Closing – Attorney General Mike Hilgers

Keynote Speaker - Rachael Denhollander

Rachael Denhollander is an attorney, author, advocate, and educator who is recognized as a leading voice on the topic of sexual abuse. Possessing a unique blend of professional skills, personal experiences, and dynamic communication style, she is a sought-after media commentator, speaker, and consultant. Her grasp of legal issues, corporate ethics, effective leadership strategies, and investigative practices are coupled with a trauma-informed, deeply compassionate understanding of the realities facing survivors of sexual abuse and their path toward healing. Bridging the gap between survivors and the society and institutions that may have failed them, Denhollander forces audiences to ask the question, “What is a girl or boy worth?” while equipping them with the tools to answer, “Everything.”
Rachael Denhollander became known internationally in 2016 as the first woman to pursue criminal charges and speak publicly against USA Gymnastics’ team doctor Larry Nassar, one of the most prolific sexual abusers in recorded history. As a result of her activism, over 300 women—including numerous Olympic medalists—came forward as survivors of Nassar’s abuse, eventually leading to his life imprisonment. Her courageous tenacity and ongoing advocacy helped trigger a complete upheaval at both USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University, where former executives and high-ranking officials face numerous criminal charges for their complicity in covering up Nassar’s abuse and lying about what they knew. Instrumental in helping secure a record-setting $500 million settlement with Michigan State University for Nassar survivors in 2018, she continues to act as a fiduciary representing her fellow survivors in USA Gymnastic’s ongoing bankruptcy proceedings. In 2019 she published an autobiographical account of her experience entitled, What is a Girl Worth?: My Story of Breaking the Silence and Exposing the Truth about Larry Nassar and USA Gymnastics.
Denhollander has extensive experience working with corporate boards, executive leadership, and politicians to help them understand how to lead with courage and integrity through crisis, how to communicate their values within their organizations and to the public, and how to properly respond to reports of abuse. She has advised the boards of some of the nation’s largest universities as they seek to address failures to adequately respond to abuse on their campuses. With extensive experience in the political realm, she has proven an effective advocate in helping push through vital legislative changes at the state level to make it easier for survivors of abuse to obtain justice.
For her work as an advocate and educator on sexual assault, Denhollander was named one of TIME Magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” and one of Glamour Magazine’s “Women of the Year” in 2018. Additionally, she received the “Inspiration of the Year” award from Sports Illustrated, was a joint recipient of ESPN’s “Arthur Ashe Courage Award,” and was named a “Michiganian of the Year” by the Detroit News, along numerous other awards and recommendations.
Denhollander has engaged audiences with lectures and live Q&A’s on the campus of numerous universities across the nation, including Harvard, Stanford, NYU, Columbia Law School, UC Berkeley, USC, Pepperdine, and others. She has lectured on leadership at both the United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and been invited to keynote the National Center on Sexual Exploitation’s annual conference. Denhollander is a highly effective fundraising speaker for child advocacy centers, women’s shelters, and other organizations on the front lines of confronting abuse. A member of the California Bar Association, Denhollander has educated attorneys on the dynamics of sexual abuse at the American Bar Association’s Sports Law Forum, addressed top corporate attorneys on issues of institutional ethics and fiduciary responsibility at NYU Law School, and instructed attorneys at the annual meeting of the Kentucky Bar Association. Additionally, Denhollander was the commencement speaker at the graduation ceremony of Brandeis School of Law in 2018.
She has appeared on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, BBC, PBS, NPR and regularly appears in national and international print media, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Der Spiegel, Wall Street Journal, and the Associated Press, and is a New York Times and Vox op-ed contributor.
Denhollander holds a Juris Doctorate from Oak Brook College of Law and possesses an honorary doctorate from the American University of Paris.
Denhollander lives in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband Jacob and their four young children.

Speaker Bios


Community Collaboration: How Law Enforcement and Advocacy Partner to Support Survivors


Inv. Cayla Larkins - Grand Island Police Department

  • Investigator Cayla Larkins has been with the Grand Island Police Department for nine years.  She first worked on night shift patrol until becoming an investigator in March of 2020.  Investigator Larkins currently works cyber related crimes as well as sex related crimes.  Investigator Larkins is a member of the Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force and has over 400 hours of training related to investigating such crimes against persons.  Investigator Larkins has also attended over 400 additional hours of training related to cyber/social media crimes.  Investigator Larkins has worked and assisted with human trafficking cases on the local, state and federal level. 

Sgt. Brett Schrage - Omaha Police Department

  • Sgt. Schrage is the Seargent of the Missing Persons unit with the Omaha Police Department. He oversees missing person investigations as well as juvenile sex trafficking cases. Part of his role is to work with Project Harmony and other organizations to identify youth who are at risk for being sex trafficked. With Project Harmony’s assistance, his team takes preventive steps to reduce high risk behavior that leads to trafficking as well as assist those who are in trafficking get out of it. He has been a part of the Missing Persons Unit for approximately 5 years. Prior to working in the Missing Persons Unit, he was the sergeant of field investigation where he oversaw many different types of investigations including burglaries, robberies, and felony assaults.

Jamie D. Vetter - Executive Director Family Advocacy Network 

  • Jamie Vetter is the Executive Director of the Family Advocacy Network (FAN) in Kearney.  Jamie started with FAN as a Forensic Interview Specialist in 2004. She has conducted over 1,500 forensic interviews and has been involved in thousands of case reviews concerning child abuse allegations. Jamie is currently serving on the Domestic Violence Death Review Team, the Nebraska Alliance of Child Advocacy Centers Board, Central Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force and the Western Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force.  Jamie has previously served two terms on the Governor’s Commission on the Protection of Children and was a member of the Community Response Team. Jamie was recognized by the University of Nebraska at Kearney Women’s Studies Advisory Council for the work done to end violence through effective means as well as the 2022 recipient of the “Outstanding Family Science Alumni.” In her free time, Jamie enjoys spending time with her family, especially her two-year-old grandson, Cohen.

Madeline Walker - Human Trafficking Program Coordinator Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence

  • Madeline Walker has worked in the anti-gender-based violence field for ten years. She has experience with providing advocacy to survivors of gender-based violence, implementing violence prevention programs, developing and conducting training on gender-based violence, and leading multidisciplinary teams to address gender-based violence. In her current role as Human Trafficking Program Coordinator for the Nebraska Coalition to End Sexual and Domestic Violence, Madeline provides training and technical assistance to Nebraska’s domestic violence and sexual assault victim advocacy programs to increase their capacity to serve survivors of human trafficking. Madeline also serves on the leadership team for the Nebraska Partnership Against the Trafficking of Humans and participates in Nebraska’s Maternal Mortality Review Committee.


How Nonprofits and Businesses Are Working to Combat Human Trafficking


Cheryl Friedenbach - Financial Crimes Risk Officer and Vice President First National Bank Omaha

  • Cheryl Friedenbach is the Financial Crimes Risk Officer and Vice President for First National Bank of Omaha. Cheryl and her team have designed a Financial Crimes program to address emerging risks and patterns of illicit activity, including the financial side of human trafficking. Cheryl has over 30 years of banking experience, with over 15 years in financial crimes and data analytics. She has been a Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS) since 2009.

Stephanie Olson Chief Executive Officer - The Set Me Free Project

  • Stephanie Olson is a speaker, author, podcaster, and CEO of The Set Me Free Project®, an organization she co-founded to prevent human trafficking through education and social media safety. She holds a BA in Psychology, an MA in Strategic Communication, and an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy. With a background in supporting women affected by sexual and domestic violence, addiction, and homelessness, as well as teaching youth about healthy relationships, Stephanie uses her expertise and personal experiences as a woman of color and survivor to inspire others. Her work focuses on leadership, resilience, trauma, mental health, and combating toxic workplaces, making her a sought-after speaker on issues affecting women, youth, and marginalized communities.

Thomas Ruck - Senior Engagement Manager, Blue Campaign Center for Countering Human Trafficking U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  • Thomas Ruck currently serves as a Senior Engagement Manager for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Blue Campaign in Washington, D.C. He leads engagement with the private sector (industry) to raise awareness of human trafficking and emphasize each industry’s unique position to recognize and report potential cases across the country. Mr. Ruck began his federal career at the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) where he served as the Director of Fayetteville National Cemetery before being appointed to Director of the Los Angeles National Cemetery where he served for six years. Mr. Ruck was honored to bring to fruition the first National Cemetery Administration’s Urban Initiative Columbarium Project at the Los Angeles National Cemetery in 2019. During his tenure at the Los Angeles National Cemetery, Mr. Ruck created and jointly produced, with ABC-7 in Los Angeles, two Memorial Day television programs honoring the veterans of Southern California. Mr. Ruck is the author of Sacred Ground; A Tribute to America’s Veterans, which reached number five on Amazon’s best sellers list and garnered five nationwide book awards. Royalties from book sales are donated directly to the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund for children of veterans. Prior to joining the VA, Mr. Ruck spent over 20 years in national accounts sales, marketing, and national account management within the clinical laboratory field. In these roles, he created and provided solutions to meet the needs of his clients while cultivating strategic partnerships. Mr. Ruck holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Missouri in Columbia. He serves as a Visiting Fellow to the Freedom Alliance Foundation, is a member of the Pasadena Tournament of Roses, and is a member of the Springfield American Legion, Post 283, Sons of the American Legion. In his free time, Mr. Ruck travels around the nation to advocate for veterans’ causes on television and radio programs.


Online Exploitation: What Collaborators Need to Know


Katie Hansen, MA - Director of Anti-Trafficking & Missing Youth Services Project Harmony

  • Katie Hansen is currently Director of Missing and Anti-Trafficking Youth Services at Project Harmony and has been at Project Harmony for the past 6 years. Before coming to Project Harmony, Katie worked for the Department of Health and Human Services for almost 9 years as both an initial assessment worker and supervisor of the Domestic Violence Unit. In her current role at Director of Missing and Anti-Trafficking Youth Service, Katie has been responsible for establishing program processes and policies and oversees program staff. Katie has presented on the topic of missing and trafficked youth to a variety of different audiences as one of the program goals is to continue to educate professionals and the community about the dynamics of high-risk youth.

Lt. Monty Lovelace - Nebraska State Patrol

  • Lt. Monty Lovelace is a 23-year veteran of the Nebraska State Patrol. During this time, Lt. Lovelace has served in the traffic division, investigative services division, internal affairs division, and Carrier Enforcement Division. Currently, Lt. Lovelace serves as the Director of the Nebraska Information Analysis Center (NIAC), and the Nebraska State Patrol Technical Crimes Division. Lt. Lovelace has several years of experience conducting Undercover online investigations and providing educational ICAC programs across the state, and currently serves as the Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce commander for Nebraska. Lt. Lovelace holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Missouri Western State University and is a graduate of the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.

Inv. Dan Warrington - Kearney Police Department

  • Investigator Dan Warrington is a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Kearney and has been with the Kearney Police Department for over 23 years.  He has been assigned to the Investigative Unit for over 14 years.  He has obtained over 1000 hours of advanced training regarding computer and cellular phone forensics, and cybercrime investigations.  Investigator Warrington is currently a Certified Cyber Crimes Investigator and a Certified Cyber Crimes Examiner with the National White Collar Crime Center.   He is also currently a member of the Nebraska Internet Crimes against Children Task Force, the FBI Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Task Force, the Central Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force, and the Central Nebraska Cyber Crimes Task Force.  Investigator Warrington has successfully investigated numerous investigations regarding child exploitation and human trafficking for both state and local government and federal government which has resulted in many prosecutions.


UNO Labor Trafficking Assessment


Sadaf Hashimi, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor - School of Criminology and Criminal Justice University of Nebraska at Omaha 

  • Dr. Sadaf Hashimi is an Assistant Professor at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Her research focuses on the intersection between peer influence and crime and criminal justice policy, with an emphasis on how relationships shape and foster criminal and non-criminal behaviors related to the police role, street gangs, gun violence, and victimization. She is also a co-director of the Violence Intervention and Policing Research Lab at UNO

Teresa C. Kulig, Ph.D. - Associate Professor - School of Criminology and Criminal Justice University of Nebraska at Omaha 

  • Dr. Teresa Kulig is Associate Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Her research interests include studying the nature and control of sex and labor trafficking, the measurement and theories of victimization, public opinion on responses to victimization, and the social construction of crime. She is also co-director of the Victimology and Victim Studies Research Lab at UNO.


Threat Assessments for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Intimate Partner Violence


Dr. Mario Scalora - Professor of Psychology University of Nebraska at Lincoln

  • Dr. Mario Scalora currently serves as Professor of Psychology Director of the University of Nebraska Public Policy Center. He leads the Targeted Violence Research Team supervising research regarding a range of issues, including threat assessment and management, stalking, school violence, as well as workplace violence. His research and consultation activity reflect efforts to facilitate the implementation of evidence supported practices at the institutional and community levels. Dr. Scalora has an extensive background as a practitioner and consultant to various law enforcement, educational and human service agencies at the local, state and federal levels. He and colleagues at the Public Policy Center have engaged in the development of community and school-based threat assessment teams statewide. Dr. Scalora also serves as a consultant to a range of private and public sector entities regarding threat assessment and management.

Where is the Summit being held?

The Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force Summit will be held at the Younes Center in Kearney, NE: 416 W. Talmadge Road, Kearney, NE 68845.

What time does the Summit start?

The Summit will start at 9:00 a.m and ends at 5:00 p.m.

When will the agenda be released?

The agenda will be released when all speakers and panelists are confirmed.

Is this open to the public?

The Summit is open to any individuals actively combating human trafficking in Nebraska.

Who do I contact for questions?

For questions, please contact George Welch at: george.welch@nebraska.gov or 402-471-1909.

Will lunch be provided?

Lunch will not be provided.

Is accommodation available?

A hotel block will be reserved next to the Younes Center at the Comfort Inn for the night of September 17th at a discounted rate. To book a room, call (308) 251-2722. The rooms are reserved under the Nebraska Human Trafficking Task Force. 

How much does it cost to attend?

There is no cost to attend or register.