Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

Nebraska Practical Nurse License Revoked Following Death of Veteran

On February 10, 2025, Timothy Tesmer, Nebraska's Chief Medical Officer, revoked the license of Curlee M. Schneiders, L.P.N., in response to a petition filed by the Nebraska Attorney General's Office. The petition charged her with gross incompetence or gross negligence and unprofessional conduct, including failing to utilize appropriate judgment in administering safe nursing practice, failing to exercise technical competence, failure to follow policies of the facility, failure to exercise supervision over persons authorized to practice under the direction of a licensed nurse, and committing any act which endangers patient safety or welfare.  

According to the petition, Schneiders was employed and working as a licensed practical nurse at E.N.V.H., Bellevue, Nebraska, on June 2, 2024. An elderly male veteran (Patient) requested a snack and was brought to a common area where Schneiders was sitting at the nurse's station. Schneiders was wearing headphones.

At Schneiders' direction, a certified nurse assistant provided the Patient with food that did not meet the criteria for his required soft diet. Schneiders was in the room during the entirety of the time the Patient attempted to consume his food but glanced at him only briefly. In video surveillance, the Patient was seen choking while Schneiders was in the room. The Patient lost consciousness and remained unconscious without Schneiders' assistance for approximately 10 minutes. During this time, the certified nurse assistant was responding to other patients. The elderly male veteran did not survive. 

Dr. Tesmer found Schneiders committed gross negligence and “shockingly unprofessional conduct”, failed to properly supervise the certified nurse assistant, and that her actions constituted gross negligence as she was the only staff member who had the opportunity to adequately monitor the Patient while he ate. Schneiders' nursing license was revoked effective February 20, 2025.