LINCOLN – Attorney General Doug Peterson is urging consumers to be wary of any uninvited person or persons coming to your home offering to install a new lightning rod system or inspect any existing lightning rod system. Door-to-door sales scams try to trick you into acting immediately, before you have time to shop around. Red flags should go up if a door-to-door salesperson pressures you to make an immediate decision or pay cash in advance.
A current scheme affecting Nebraskans involves the sale and installation of lightning rod systems. Local authorities investigating the scams have reported that consumers are being charged an exorbitant amount of money, in some cases upwards of $10,000, for equipment that costs very little and may be unnecessary.
Recent reports indicate that the scammers normally travel in pairs and are not associated with any company. They use high-pressure sales tactics to coerce consumers to agree to the outrageous pricing and will convince the consumer to purchase the system even after being told no by the consumer many times. Listen to your instincts. If you have an uneasy feeling about a door-to door salesperson, just say “no” and shut the door. Anytime you are considering purchasing a product, especially one for thousands of dollars, you should research the product, the company/persons selling the product and whether the cost is reasonable before making a purchase or signing a contract.
Law Enforcement has reported the scam occurring in numerous counties in Southeast Nebraska, including Jefferson County, Gage County, Thayer County, Saline County, and Nuckolls County.
If you suspect a door-to-door scam is occurring in your neighborhood, promptly notify local law enforcement and contact the Nebraska Consumer Protection pision at or 800-727-6432.