State Capitol--Attorney General Doug Peterson is testifying this afternoon before the Judiciary Committee in support Senator William’s omnibus drug bill, LB 326.
The bill clarifies and harmonizes the definitions of THC and defines the term ‘ingestibles’. The legalization of marijuana in neighboring Colorado has expanded a group collectively known as edibles and include items such as: taffy, gummies, candy bars and energy drinks, and butter. Edible forms of highly concentrated THC can be potent and dangerously available to young people and children. Last year, the Colorado Department of Health considered banning a majority of edibles.
Additionally, LB326 adds penalties for possessing and making edibles with THC. Recognizing its dangerous use, the bill makes possession of synthetic cannabinoids, such as K2, a Class IV felony.
Nebraska is currently considering several bills related to marijuana and THC products. Mr. Peterson continues to caution policymakers to take a wait and watch posture, “We need to wait 3-5 years and carefully watch what happens in Colorado. This includes reviewing increased crime rates as well as educational and health impacts.”
“There is a historical progression from opening the door to marijuana to pushing for legalization. In the end, we don’t want to find out that we have joined a failed social experiment,” Peterson added.
Senator Matt Williams from Gothenburg, is the sponsor of LB326 and introduced it on behalf of the Attorney General.