Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

AMBER Alert Awareness - Poster Contest Winner

Lincoln, Nebraska—March 11, 2015. Faith McDonald, fifth-grade student from Centura Elementary in Cairo, Nebraska, is this year’s winner of the Nebraska Attorney General’s Missing Children Poster Contest.

Faith’s poster illustrates a puzzle of a red heart with missing pieces and a banner that reads, “We Must Solve This Heart-breaking Puzzle. Bring Our Missing Children Home.”

“Children missing from their families is truly heart-breaking”, said McDonald. “I chose to make a heart-shaped puzzle. The problem of missing children needs be solved. If a family is missing their child, their family and hearts are not complete.”

The annual poster contest, which focuses on the theme: Bring Our Missing Children Home, helps initiate conversations with students about safety and brings attention to the AMBER Alert program.

Since the AMBER Alert Program’s inception, fourteen alerts have been issued in Nebraska with a 100 percent recovery rate. As of March 3, 2015, AMBER alerts have helped rescue and safely return 745 children nationwide.

As state winner of the Nebraska poster contest, Faith’s poster will be submitted to the National Missing Children’s Day Poster Contest, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice, through its Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention’s Child Division.

The winning artwork is displayed at the National Missing Children’s Day ceremony, to be held on or about May 25th. The national winner travels to Washington, DC, along with his/her parents and teacher to receive an award and participate in the ceremony.

2015 Amber Alert Winning Poster

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2015 Amber Alert Winning Poster