Mike Hilgers

Nebraska Attorney General

AGO Criminal Bureau Chief Chosen as 2015 NAGTRI International Fellow

Nebraska State Attorney General’s Office Criminal Bureau Chief, John Freudenberg, has been chosen as a 2015 NAGTRI International Fellow. NAGTRI is the training and research arm of the National Association of Attorneys General and pays for all expenses associated with the participants’ attendance. The purpose of the NAGTRI International Fellows Program is to provide a forum for elite assistant attorneys general, prosecutors and other government attorneys from around the world to learn from each other, explore common issues together, and establish an international network to the mutual benefit of their respective offices.

Each class of International Fellows only include six representatives from the United States with the remainder of participants being selected from both developed and developing nations. Each class of Fellows will focus on a class project, composing brief articles, and a panel discussion of the Fellows’ papers. The 2015 class will discuss and analyze: “Prosecutor as Problem Solver: Innovative Prosecutorial and Crime Fighting Strategies”.

The 2015 NAGTRI International Fellows Program will take place May 30th-June 7th in Washington, DC, and New York City.