Lincoln - - Attorney General Peterson’s commitment to Nebraska youth and his desire to cultivate future leaders set the stage for the 2016 Attorney General’s Youth Conference held at the Nebraska State Capitol. Fifty-three high school juniors from 36 Nebraska communities participated in today’s event.
Students were selected from across the state representing numerous high schools and communities. Applicants submitted a short resume of activities, their favorite Constitutional Amendment, and short essay along with recommendations.
Events of the day included remarks from Attorney General Peterson, lunch at the Governor’s Residence, and a visit with Governor Ricketts. In addition, participants heard messages from Chief Justice Heavican and Scott Frakes, the Director of the Nebraska Department of Corrections. An overview of the Attorney General’s Office included: a panel discussion by the Bureau Chiefs for the Attorney General’s office, words of wisdom and warning from the Attorney General’s Outreach Coordinator, Ryan Sothan on issues of consumer protection and internet safety and a quick outline of the AGO Mediation Center.
The Attorney General’s office wishes to thank students for their participation in today’s Conference. “It has been a very encouraging day to spend time with energetic and engaged young people. We will be in capable hands if these students become our future leaders in Nebraska,” stated AG Peterson.